Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The joys of motherhood...

You know you're a mother when you approach something like this without throwing up . . .

Now, I'm not saying I didn't freak out a little and want to yell for help. I did find myself talking out loud to myself trying to figure out the best solution to attempt the "clean up." There was a brief hosing down, followed by the removal of the onesie and stupid Huggies diaper(package was free, I think we'll stick to Pampers), another hose down, then a scrub down in the tub and the cover of the bouncy seat in the washing machine. Whew! Mission accomplished! Kinsey was laughing at me the whole time. I think that made it a little easier, lol!


  1. Oh no! It's weird how some brands work better for some babies than others. We only use Huggies b/c he leaks out of everything else. I wonder why?

  2. That is so funny!! What a mess!

  3. Oh no! It is so amazing to see how mommies don't think messes like that are as gross as before you become a mommy! :)
    Her expression is too funny! She is getting so big and is precious!
