I have been huffing and puffing for days! I'm only 13, almost 14, weeks pregnant! Not, 7 months! I should not be breathing like this! I guess it's a combo of the heat, allergies, and a growing little baby.
Although, it's no wonder I'm breathing heavy! School started back this week and we have also been packing because we've officially sold our house and bought a new one. It started so easily, just a knock on our door, but who knew it would have become the roller coaster it did?!?! That being said, we signed the paperwork on Thursday and all funds went through Friday evening at 5:45. The people had this weekend to move out, and told us they thought they'd be finished by Sunday at noon. I hope they're serious because I'd love to get in there and clean so we can start the move! I had to take off of work, which is a horrible thing on a Monday of the 2nd week of school, but we have to be out Tuesday by midnight. The long, slow, bumpy process, ended rather rapidly. It's crazy, but we figured this was the best opportunity for us! We hope we were right. A lot of prayer, consideration, and hard work is going into this. It's got to work! I'm finally at the excited point, now that I know FOR SURE what is happening! :)
I'm a little worried about Kinsey, though. I hope she adjusts to the new house. I don't know if there is something special I need to do for her? We plan on getting her room set up first, and letting her sleep in her crib a little while longer so that it is less of an adjustment. Wish us luck and you're all invited to the moving party! haha! I'll post pics when we get moved in and settled!!
Make room for . . .
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
House sitch(situation) :)
Well, thankfully, our closing date has been at least moved from the first day of school. It is supposedly the 26, of course it's always subject to change. We have started packing, which is very sad. Our house is looking bare. I don't like it, but I don't want to be stuch packing last minute. Everything seems to be in the clear, but with 3 closings, you never know! our current house and our future house both apparaised low, which stinks because banks don't approve loans for anything above appraisal. Thanksfully our buyers are coming up with the shortage on our currect house and our realtor gave up a part of his pay, along with the sellers coming down a little. It's a sweet deal for us because our payments go down a little. I got a quote on homeowners insurance, which started out cheap at $709, then I had them quote our auto, $200 cheaper than our current renewal. Also resulting in a group discount taking our homeowner's down to $677. Payment going down again! Woohoo!!
As for work, my room is ready. I'm excited to meet my kiddos tomorrow. Change has been hard, but it's usually good. I miss my friends a lot, but this first week is really the only time I see them, so I'll be better once the kids get there and I'm busy with them.
I'm sure you saw my previous baby post, but continue to keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby!!
That's it for today. 2 posts in one day is certainly not my norm, but I hope to be a little consistent!! :)
As for work, my room is ready. I'm excited to meet my kiddos tomorrow. Change has been hard, but it's usually good. I miss my friends a lot, but this first week is really the only time I see them, so I'll be better once the kids get there and I'm busy with them.
I'm sure you saw my previous baby post, but continue to keep us in your prayers for a healthy baby!!
That's it for today. 2 posts in one day is certainly not my norm, but I hope to be a little consistent!! :)
I haven't put this on Facebook yet, shocker, but I went to the doctor yesterday for Baby #2's Early Screen for Down Syndrome. I'm only 12 weeks, but the dr took a guess on the gender. He said he was 90% sure that Kinsey is going to have a baby BROTHER!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!! Now, again, I'm only 12 weeks and we'll check again to make sure when we go back in 8 weeks, but I am already so excited to have a perfect little family!!
I guess now I can let go of some of Kinsey's cute little clothes and make room for boy stuff!!
Here is a picture of what he saw as the "boy part."
I guess now I can let go of some of Kinsey's cute little clothes and make room for boy stuff!!
Here is a picture of what he saw as the "boy part."

Sunday, July 31, 2011
It has been a while!
Lots of things are happening in the Mason household! We've sold our house and bought a new one. I hope everything goes smoothly this time. So far, so good. only problem with it so far is we're set to close August 22. Yep, that's right teacher friends, THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!
Speaking of school, you are looking at Rhea Elementary's newest 2nd grade teacher. I am so excited to start my new job. I'm really hoping a change in pace will renew my love for teaching. I'm sad to leave my friends at Blackburn and sad to leave the Dual Language program, but I'm sure it won't be long until I can get back in!
As for the other change, I'm sure you all know, we're adding to our family!! We are so excited to welcome a little brother or sister for Kinsey. She's still oblivious to the idea even though we tell her daily that we're having a baby and she's going to be a big sister. She shakes her head "no" whenever we ask her if she's going to be a good big sister. Ha!
And while we're on Kinsey . . . my little munchkin is growing up so quickly!! She's 18 months and little miss INDEPENDENT! She doesn't like to be in her stroller or the grocery cart. She now prefers to walk, make that RUN, all over the place. I never thought I would be one of "those moms", but we've busted out the backpack leash that we got as a shower gift. I promise not to abuse it and drag her through stores!! :) Anyway, Kinsey is talking up a storm these days! Her vocabulary list grows daily! Luckily, we keep it pretty clean here, so no embarrassing repeats! She loves "Melmo" (Elmo) and Winnie the Pooh. I took her to see the Pooh movie and she did really well. We ate some junk and she stayed pretty still until the last 5 minutes or so. She is a friendly little girl so I know she's looking forward to going back to daycare. I, on the other hand, am going to miss her so much! Who am I going to share my push-pops with??? Oh yeah, my life is about to get so crazy, I probably won't have time for them! Maybe we can sneak one in after dinner!!
Speaking of school, you are looking at Rhea Elementary's newest 2nd grade teacher. I am so excited to start my new job. I'm really hoping a change in pace will renew my love for teaching. I'm sad to leave my friends at Blackburn and sad to leave the Dual Language program, but I'm sure it won't be long until I can get back in!
As for the other change, I'm sure you all know, we're adding to our family!! We are so excited to welcome a little brother or sister for Kinsey. She's still oblivious to the idea even though we tell her daily that we're having a baby and she's going to be a big sister. She shakes her head "no" whenever we ask her if she's going to be a good big sister. Ha!
And while we're on Kinsey . . . my little munchkin is growing up so quickly!! She's 18 months and little miss INDEPENDENT! She doesn't like to be in her stroller or the grocery cart. She now prefers to walk, make that RUN, all over the place. I never thought I would be one of "those moms", but we've busted out the backpack leash that we got as a shower gift. I promise not to abuse it and drag her through stores!! :) Anyway, Kinsey is talking up a storm these days! Her vocabulary list grows daily! Luckily, we keep it pretty clean here, so no embarrassing repeats! She loves "Melmo" (Elmo) and Winnie the Pooh. I took her to see the Pooh movie and she did really well. We ate some junk and she stayed pretty still until the last 5 minutes or so. She is a friendly little girl so I know she's looking forward to going back to daycare. I, on the other hand, am going to miss her so much! Who am I going to share my push-pops with??? Oh yeah, my life is about to get so crazy, I probably won't have time for them! Maybe we can sneak one in after dinner!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The times, they are a changing . . .
Well, Kinsey has become a little rolly polly! She now rolls both ways! Yay! We're now working on sitting up. She can do it for a few seconds before we tumble over to the side.
Also, now that she can roll over, her tummy has become her favorite way to sleep. I put her to bed on her back, check the monitor a few minutes later and see the back of her head. She seems to sleep better that way, so who am I to fight it. I was waiting a few minutes, then flipping her, but she would just roll over again, so I stopped.
Today, we met Carrie, Val, and Emily at the pool with their kiddos and Kinsey played for about an hour, then I fed her and put her down. She was so tired, she went right to sleep and has been sleeping hard for almost 2 hours. I went to check in on her and found her new sleeping position. I love it!!

Also, when I was slathering her sunscreen on her before the pool time, I put it on her head and all of her hair was sticking up! It was so cute! She's finally getting some hair!
As far as foods, She now has had nectarine in her little mesh feeder and green beans baby food. So far, she hasn't met a food she didn't like! :)
And for the finale . . . dun dun duuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn, I'm realizing that work is just around the corner. I have trainings 4 days next week and 2 the week after, then only 2 full weeks with my sweet baby before I have to go back to work full time. I am dreading it, but I feel that it's what is best for my family. Maybe I can stay home the next time, but I got more time with her than most working mommies and for that, I am thankful. She will be 7 months old when I go back. Much better than 8 weeks. Now, as for the best place for childcare, I'm still working on that and will keep you posted.
Also, now that she can roll over, her tummy has become her favorite way to sleep. I put her to bed on her back, check the monitor a few minutes later and see the back of her head. She seems to sleep better that way, so who am I to fight it. I was waiting a few minutes, then flipping her, but she would just roll over again, so I stopped.
Today, we met Carrie, Val, and Emily at the pool with their kiddos and Kinsey played for about an hour, then I fed her and put her down. She was so tired, she went right to sleep and has been sleeping hard for almost 2 hours. I went to check in on her and found her new sleeping position. I love it!!
Also, when I was slathering her sunscreen on her before the pool time, I put it on her head and all of her hair was sticking up! It was so cute! She's finally getting some hair!
As far as foods, She now has had nectarine in her little mesh feeder and green beans baby food. So far, she hasn't met a food she didn't like! :)
And for the finale . . . dun dun duuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnn, I'm realizing that work is just around the corner. I have trainings 4 days next week and 2 the week after, then only 2 full weeks with my sweet baby before I have to go back to work full time. I am dreading it, but I feel that it's what is best for my family. Maybe I can stay home the next time, but I got more time with her than most working mommies and for that, I am thankful. She will be 7 months old when I go back. Much better than 8 weeks. Now, as for the best place for childcare, I'm still working on that and will keep you posted.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Squash, and pears, and catfish? OH MY!
Yes, you read that correctly! I started Kinsey on cereal a few weeks ago, then last week we tried the squash. She liked both! We have gotten in the bad habit of when she leans forward to see what we're eating, we let her have a little taste, which is usually just a lick. Well, not this time, my friend. We were at a friend's fish fry Saturday night and Kinsey was watching Jeff very closely as he was eating his plate of yummy food, when he decided to put it towards her mouth to let her lick it, she took a BITE! Yes, a BITE! Geez! I fished that piece of catfish out of her mouth so fast with a brief "JEFF!!" That girl is fearless when it comes to food! I know what you're thinking, and you're right . . . She gets it from her Momma!! :) Anyway, I gave her pears last night and another hit! Should I be surprised? No, we're not picky eaters in this family!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Bumper pad saga and "Ma ma ma ma ma"
So, I thought I might be able to sleep more at ease knowing that Kinsey would not be suffocating herself with a blanket or bumper pads, but now she keeps dropping her pacifier behind the bed. So, I have to scrounge for another and then when she drops that one, it's time to pull the bed out and get them, then convince her to go back to sleep. Plus, getting her to go to sleep in the first place is difficult because she can now see me leaving the room. Pretty sure I can't win. It's still new, I guess, and should be temporary because she has started rolling over more. It's still just from back to tummy, but between that and the scooting all around, I'm not too concerned about her development anymore.
Last night, while Kinsey was whining(which she does when she's tired) she was saying "ma ma ma ma!" That was the spoonful of sugar I need to be dealing with the not sleeping thing. How do you get frustrated at that? :) I know she hasn't applied meaning to it yet, but it's pretty sweet anyway.
Also, I put some watermelon in one of those mesh feeders for Kinsey to chew on. She really liked it, so I'm going to get some other fruits for her to try today. I'll keep you posted!
Last night, while Kinsey was whining(which she does when she's tired) she was saying "ma ma ma ma!" That was the spoonful of sugar I need to be dealing with the not sleeping thing. How do you get frustrated at that? :) I know she hasn't applied meaning to it yet, but it's pretty sweet anyway.
Also, I put some watermelon in one of those mesh feeders for Kinsey to chew on. She really liked it, so I'm going to get some other fruits for her to try today. I'll keep you posted!
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